Monday, July 4, 2011

The Wandering Pug

I think Jake is an epileptic. I'm sort of freaking out right now.

In the past few days, his demeanor has changed completely. He's restless, he barks randomly in the middle of the night, he licks compulsively, and he appears confused. As I write this he's walking around the living room in circles. Anyone who knows my dog knows that he spends at least 15 hours a day cuddled up next to me on the couch. He's NOT an active dog at all. He's not acting like himself at all and I'm very concerned.

We're going to be taking him to the vet to get him checked out, but I have a feeling that we already know the answer. He's had some seizures in the past. He got a particularly nasty head injury after falling off our bad a few years ago, and ever since he'll get about one or two seizures a year. The vets have always said this can be somewhat normal with pugs and that it's by no means an emergency. It's almost like he KNOWS it's going to happen...does that make sense?

This dog is my baby. He's been my mama's boy since we got him. I cannot bear the idea that he's in pain. I hope he's not. More to come after we can get him into the vet. Keep your fingers crossed. Be sure to send Mr. Pigwidgeon all the pixie dust you can muster!

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