Hi there! I'm Mandy. I'm 30 years old, and a new mom to the coolest baby ever. I have been married to my best friend since 2006, but he's been my best friend since 2003. I'm pretty darn lucky to have the coolest little family in the world.
We have 2 pugs, Jake and Summer, and a cat, Merlin. It's a little chaotic in our house, but it's a craziness we know. :)
I love Disney. I'm a former Cast Member, and love being able to share tips and tricks so that everyone has a magical time. I'm one of those people who could plan a vacation for years because they find it so exciting. I get a little crazy about it sometimes, but it's completely worth it since it usually ensures we have an awesome time doing things and NOT standing in line.
I also LOVE to cook. It's one of my main hobbies, even if I don't have a whole lot of time to do it anymore. I love sharing recipes (and learning new ones!) so be sure to check back often for some deliciousness coming your way!
I hate clowns, love Halloween and Christmas, and sing in my car at the top of my lungs. I am living with CRPS, which has presented it's own number of challenges, but it's also given me an opportunity to look for the bright side. Sometimes it can be pretty hard to see, but I believe it's always there.
Thanks for stopping by - see ya real soon!