Sunday, September 29, 2013

Q and A with Baby B!

Wow!! We've had such a tremendous response since our announcement last week! We've had so many follow up questions, but we've been unable to answer everyone individually due to vacation, Hubby's kidney stones, and my need for rest after walking all over Disney. So, here are some of the most common questions we've had and our answes!

Q) When are you due?
A) we are due on March 15, 2014. Of course who knows when the little one will decide to join us!

Q) Boy or Girl?
A) We don't know yet. We go in for the gender scan on October 9th, but there's a possibility that we may not know that day depending on whether or not Baby B is shy.

Q) Do you prefer a girl or boy?
A) No preference! We are so happy to have a little one that we will be over the moon with either!

Q) Are you sure it's only one?
A) Yep! We've only ever had one little one in there. One heartbeat, one bean!

Q) Do you have names chosen?
A) We do!! We've had a boy name chosen since 2007 that honors both of our families. We are between 3 names for a girl. The middle name has been chosen for awhile too. We'll tell everyone as soon as we know and have the correct name chosen for our bitty!

Q) Will you be breast feeding?
A) I will not. I am unable to take any of my RSD medication because it is harmful to baby. I will begin the medication again in the delivery room and will need to continue them to regain my mobility and comfort. Therefore, for the safety of Baby, he/she will be formula fed. I figure the last thing baby needs is a medication messing with his/her central nervous system. 

Q) Does the nursery have a theme?
A) We do! Finding Nemo :). We are doing a gender neutral option everywhere we can.

Q) Will you be going back to work after baby is born?
A) Yes! I love my job and my co-workers. I will be carrying insurance for bitty one and on top of that, I simply don't think I'm cut out for being a stay at home mom. I have nothing but respect for women who can do it. I was on bed rest for a week and I lost my damn mind. We may do amended hours or something like that, but I'll be working outside of the home for sure!

Q) What about your pets? Are you going to get rid of them?
A) This is an easy one :). Absolutely not. When we adopted our pets, we did it for a lifetime. I cannot possibly fathom getting rid of them simply because our family is expanding. I am well aware that allergies could potentially be a thing, but we will work with our doctors to ensure everyone is safe and happy under one roof. I would never give up my child for a puppy, and the same can be said for the opposite!

Q) Are you excited?
A) Absolutely! This is new territory for me. I still consider myself an infertile woman who happens to be pregnant. While it's wonderful to finally be able to share the news with everyone, it's strange to be getting so much attention. I feel very uncomfortable in the spotlight, so while I'm happy to share some information, I still feel most comfortable spilling my guts about everything to Hubby. I feel very much like this is absolutely a partnership and want to share with him what I am feeling so he can connect with the experience. After the dust settles a bit, I will very likely resume my random posts on Facebook that have nothing to do with babies, pregnancy or anything related. Hubby and I have different ways of handling our news with the world. Do not mistake my quietness for unhappiness. I just know while this is super important to us, it's not the center of everyone else's universe, and that's the way it should be. :)

Feel free to ask any questions and we'll do our best to answer when things calm down a bit! Thank you so much for your wonderfully kind words!

Be prepared for some upcoming trip reports from our Disney vacation! It was certainly eventful! 


  1. I cannot express my happiness for all three of you! I've always been impressed with the love you two have for each other and I'm thrilled that another being will get to experience that magic. Many, many blessings, my dear ones!

  2. So awesome! I am so excited for you! Enjoy this time, and be as quiet as you like. **white light**
