I have a few pet peeves when it comes to status updates. Here's the thing, I don't need to know EVERYTHING about your life. I don't need to know the size and consistency of every single bowel movement you make. On the same note, I don't need to know every single thing you've done in the past 48 hours. (I actually had a FB friend write about her menstruation today. I'm not kidding. I almost barfed). I also hate poor grammar and lack of correct punctuation. I understand that it's Facebook, but I can promise you that you DO look ridiculous when you cannot accurately convey your own thoughts in your own language. Do it for your own image.
But all of these things, while annoying, are somewhat tolerable. What I find completely unbearable are two things: airing dirty laundry and passive aggressive posts.

Now, onto my personal favorite, the passive aggressive statuses. I'll admit, I may have written one or two in my time. I'm not proud of them. The mantra I try to live by though is that if I wouldn't say it right to your face, I'm NOT going to put it online for others to see. It's not the adult thing to do. Writing something passive aggressive, or even flat out aggressive is nothing more than childish. Believe it or not, people are smart enough to put two and two together. We all know who you're talking about, and YOU look like the a-hole. Perhaps I'm alone, but the first person in any argument to start blasting someone on Facebook is in the wrong in my mind. You've now taken the fight online, so the entire world to see, and you've lowered yourself to the point that even if your argument was a valid one, you still appear to be the one who has some growing up to do.
Facebook can be a dangerous place. There are privacy settings for a reason. Just remember though that words, whether spoken or written have a lot of power. Just as you cannot take back something you've said, you can't take back something you've written, even when you hit that little delete button.
Be an adult, be professional, and remember tact. While the world is shrinking quickly, it's still a dangerous place. Think before you post anything. Have fun, but take a step back and THINK before you click "Share". In the end, you'll always be happy you did.
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